26 October 2010

Easy Successful Formula

Followings are the list of characteristic and quality for becoming a successful person in any organisation, such as corporate and political party :


It is easy. Just remember BODEK.


24 October 2010

Dua Alam

Saya hidup dalam dua alam. Pertama, di alam fantasi, jumlah pembaca blog ini adalah seramai 40 juta orang. Tetapi, di alam realiti cuma beberapa kerat sahaja. Itu pun secara tak sengaja sebab "google" hantu kopek.

Kalau Dua Alam Dr. Rozmey mampu memecah panggung, dua alam saya cuma sekadar memecah punggung.

Terima kasih Dr. kerana membuat saya tersenyum.


23 October 2010

Spritual Posting

A little bit on the serious side :

"Syurga dan neraka adalah urusan Tuhan untuk hambanya samada yang taat atau yang ingkar terhadap tuntutanNya"

...... and now, on the not so serious note :

"Syurga dan neraka bukanlah urusan Nik Aziz dan konco konconya"

Pangkah PAS masuk syurga konon.


22 October 2010

Lambang Keagungan Cinta

Jika Romeo dan Juliet serta Shah Jehan dan Mumtaz menjadi lambang keagungan cinta masyarakat Barat dan India, kita di Malaysia juga boleh berbangga dengan kisah cinta Mek Wook dan Mohd Nor.

Keagungan cinta Mek Wook terhadap suaminya dibuktikan dengan sanggup bersusah payah membuang wang ringgit dan masa untuk menjamin suaminya yang ditangkap kerana menghisap dadah buat kali kedua.

Sebagai lambang kasih sayang terhadap Mek Wook, suaminya patut membina sebuah tunggu cinta seperti Taj Mahal di pusat pemulihan dadah yang seterusnya.

Semoga perkahwinan Mek Wook dan suaminya kekal hingga ke akhir hayat. Nak cakap kekal hingga ke anak cucu rasanya macam tak kena sebab tak mungkin Mek Wook boleh beranak lagi.


20 October 2010

Antara Dua Pilihan

I just came back from a day trip to Singapore and I observed a significant difference between Changi Airport and KLIA in term of the toilets. This is just my observation and I don't really care if you do not agree with me.

In Changi Airport, the toilets are plentiful and easily located while in KLIA you really need to look for the toilet to find one. For majority of us, the toilet in KLIA is better because there is water compared to the toilet in Changi Airport which is of the "tissue" type, if you get what am I trying to say.

In case of an "emergency" however, I prefer to be in Changi Airport (tissue pun tissue la) rather than making fool of myself for being "terkucil" in the pants, while searching for a toilet, in front of few hundred people consisting of the followings:

1. Stewardess
2. Pilots
3. Penjual arak dan rokok bebas cukai
4. Perempuan indon tukang cuci toilet
5. Bangla tukang tolak troli
6. Ulat teksi
7. Perempuan indon tukang sapu lantai
8. Perempuan Myanmar yg sedang menunggu kapal terbang untuk ke Cambodia.


18 October 2010

One Happy Groin

With the abolishment of the import duty for underwear by the Government in the 2011 Budget, I can now shop for Calvin Klein undies and no more wearing those cheap "pasar malam" underwear.

Thanks to the Government, my groin will be singing happily now.

1 Malaysia Rocks, Calvin Klein Rocks !


16 October 2010

Iklan : Syarikat Pengeluar Kondom

Selain dari alat pencegah kehamilan, kondom juga berfungsi untuk mengelakkan penyebaran penyakit yang berjangkit melalui hubungan seksual.

Oleh itu, pakailah kondom ketika meliwat budak pembancuh kopi anda. Walaupun tiada kemungkinan untuk hamil, penggunaan kondom boleh mencegah penyakit merbahaya yang disebarkan melalui hubungan seks, samada ikut tabie atau tidak.

Sila ambil perhatian bahawa meliwat adalah haram di sisi agama dan merupakan kesalahan jenayah.

Belia benci liwat !!

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Idiots Are Friends

These are a few people (not in particular order) that somehow or rather have an influence to my life :

1. Anwar Ibrahim
2. Ayah Pin
3. Samy Velu
4. Dr. Rozmey 40 juta

What they have in common is the proof that people are easily fooled. Take Ayah Pin for example, his followers includes professionals from the big cities. Samy Velu too, almost reach immortality by being the longest serving MIC President.
Make friends with idiots and you will be highly regarded.

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06 October 2010

Advice For Guys

Guys, take this advice from me. Once you are married, try to put yourself in your wife's shoes. You might like nagging and shopping.

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04 October 2010

This, I Tell You, Cannot Work

I found this proverbs puzzling -

Sambil Menyelam Minum Air - Should anyone tries this and survive from drowning, feel free to leave a comment. I want to learn how.

Nasi Dah Menjadi Bubur - Never seen this happen in my life before. Bubur jadi nasi hangus tu pernah la.


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01 October 2010

Definition of Irony

Simple definition of irony goes like this :-

"Hujan ni, nak pegi swimming jugak ke? Nanti basah "
