29 September 2006

Blogging Is Personal

The other day, during lunch, Pipi perasan seorang colleague sedang tekun mengadap computer sambil jari jemari dia sibuk menaip sesuatu. Sebagai seorang yang busy body (like the rest of u), Pipi pun sibuk sibuk la bertanya apa yang dia buat sampai sanggup skip lunch. “Blogging my personal life kat internet”, jawapan yang Pipi terima dari dia. “ Ramai ke yang baca blog hang?” Soal Pipi. “Takde la ramai sangat, dalam 20 orang average tiap tiap hari, most of them are my friends, kawan kawan sekolah, ada jugak yang langsung tak dikenali. It is kind of cool to share your personal life and thoughts with others”. Pandai jawab budak ni. So Pipi pun jenguk la kat sambil cuba membaca apa yg ditaip when suddenly colleague Pipi ni cakap “Hey! Janganla baca, this is supposed to be personal!”

What the fuck!

Selamat Hari Minggu



N82 said...

"It is kind of cool to share your personal life and thoughts with others"

Then it is “Hey! Janganla baca, this is supposed to be personal!”

Someone should bitchslap him and teach him the meaning of 'personal'

Anonymous said...

define "personal"...
whatever happen directly in you life in which other people should not know about it

tp kalau dah letak kat blog, bukan personal dah. he/she should have said "blogging my life kat internet". I'm sure that he/she don't really publish what he/she refer as personal kan?

tp bila stated kat blog dia "About my personal life", mesti ramai org baca, sbb banyak org yg seangkatan ngan pp. tak gitu? heheheh

LUKE said...

Kan... tetiba Pipi mencarut di bulan puasa katanya!.... Hang pe habaq?... bizi ka???

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