Nowadays, it is very easy for any of us to get a credit card. If you go to any shopping complex, the chance of you meeting the promotion counter is very high. Sekarang ni, credit card dah jadi cam phone kad je. Sapa2 boleh apply, sapa2 boleh dapat as long as you meet the minimum criteria. Kalau tak cukup gaji, tipu payslip.
Credit card is a credit facility offered by the banks so that you can afford to purchase something which you can’t afford if you are using your own cash. Kira cam, pakai dulu, bayar kemudian la. Kalau tak mampu, split je payment bulan bulan.
But there are people who are underutilizing their credit card, takat apply, approved by the bank, then letak dalam wallet buat perhiasan. The worst case is someone who spends using the credit card then pays the full amount each month to avoid the interest cost walaupun credit limit berpuluh ribu. Bank sangat tidak suka kepada orang orang yang mempunyai tabiat sedemikian.
So, what do you need to do in order to fully utilize the credit card facilities? For those who have already owned credit card, you may safely skip this paragraph. For those who are thinking of having a credit card, or waiting for the application to be approved (don’t worry, mesti approved punya la), this is the first thing that need to be done. When you receive the credit card, please discard the term and condition (selalunya yang ada tulisan kecik kecik tu, nak baca kena pakai magnifying glass) enclosed with your card. It is a waste of time; you don’t need to know what is the interest rate like, what is the interest free period etc. What you really need to know is your credit limit. This is a very crucial information.
Next, please spend lavishly, jangan fikir whether you can afford to pay the outstanding amount or not. Remember, you can always split the payment. Just go and buy anything that you wish even though you don’t really need it. You can pay the minimum amount, apalah sangat 5% of the total outstanding amount compared to the value of the item that you purchased.
Then, if you are out of cash, go and withdraw some money from your credit card. Don’t hesitate in withdrawing money even the banks charge the interest from the date of your withdrawal until full payment is made. You can also use the money to pay for the minimum amount due each month, so that you don’t have to use they money that you earned from your hard work.
Please don’t pay your outstanding balance on time. The bank will only charge you 1% of the minimum payment due if you are late in making your payment. 1% is nothing compared to the recent petrol price increased of more than 10%. The banks are kind enough to assign someone to remind you that you are late in making your monthly payment. If you are good negotiator, you can ask for the period to be extended. Remember, the banks love a person who exceeds the credit limit, pay minimum amount and making late payment.
When you suddenly realized that you have reached the credit limit and could no longer afford to pay the minimum amount each month, go to any shopping complex, look for the promotion counter and apply for a new credit card from another bank. Since you have already owned a credit card, the process will be easier. What is needed is just a photocopy of your identity card and current credit card. You may now; repeat the above process all over again.
If you keep to the current cycle, you will be declared a bankrupt in no time. You should be proud that you are in the government statistic. One word of advise though, please do this at your own risk as I will not be responsible if anything bad happens. The choice is in your hand. Please take note that I am not working with any bank. Ini adalah nasihat percuma dari Pipi untuk anda semua.
Credit card is a credit facility offered by the banks so that you can afford to purchase something which you can’t afford if you are using your own cash. Kira cam, pakai dulu, bayar kemudian la. Kalau tak mampu, split je payment bulan bulan.
But there are people who are underutilizing their credit card, takat apply, approved by the bank, then letak dalam wallet buat perhiasan. The worst case is someone who spends using the credit card then pays the full amount each month to avoid the interest cost walaupun credit limit berpuluh ribu. Bank sangat tidak suka kepada orang orang yang mempunyai tabiat sedemikian.
So, what do you need to do in order to fully utilize the credit card facilities? For those who have already owned credit card, you may safely skip this paragraph. For those who are thinking of having a credit card, or waiting for the application to be approved (don’t worry, mesti approved punya la), this is the first thing that need to be done. When you receive the credit card, please discard the term and condition (selalunya yang ada tulisan kecik kecik tu, nak baca kena pakai magnifying glass) enclosed with your card. It is a waste of time; you don’t need to know what is the interest rate like, what is the interest free period etc. What you really need to know is your credit limit. This is a very crucial information.
Next, please spend lavishly, jangan fikir whether you can afford to pay the outstanding amount or not. Remember, you can always split the payment. Just go and buy anything that you wish even though you don’t really need it. You can pay the minimum amount, apalah sangat 5% of the total outstanding amount compared to the value of the item that you purchased.
Then, if you are out of cash, go and withdraw some money from your credit card. Don’t hesitate in withdrawing money even the banks charge the interest from the date of your withdrawal until full payment is made. You can also use the money to pay for the minimum amount due each month, so that you don’t have to use they money that you earned from your hard work.
Please don’t pay your outstanding balance on time. The bank will only charge you 1% of the minimum payment due if you are late in making your payment. 1% is nothing compared to the recent petrol price increased of more than 10%. The banks are kind enough to assign someone to remind you that you are late in making your monthly payment. If you are good negotiator, you can ask for the period to be extended. Remember, the banks love a person who exceeds the credit limit, pay minimum amount and making late payment.
When you suddenly realized that you have reached the credit limit and could no longer afford to pay the minimum amount each month, go to any shopping complex, look for the promotion counter and apply for a new credit card from another bank. Since you have already owned a credit card, the process will be easier. What is needed is just a photocopy of your identity card and current credit card. You may now; repeat the above process all over again.
If you keep to the current cycle, you will be declared a bankrupt in no time. You should be proud that you are in the government statistic. One word of advise though, please do this at your own risk as I will not be responsible if anything bad happens. The choice is in your hand. Please take note that I am not working with any bank. Ini adalah nasihat percuma dari Pipi untuk anda semua.
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